Three Convenient Ways to Order

1. Log into Your Account & Shop

If you are a wholesaler, you should have received an email in regards to your wholesaler account. The email was from Positively Pittsburgh. Please check your spam mail as well. If you find that you did not receive an email, contact us through the contact form.

Log into account.

Once you're logged in, just browse through the online store and you'll see your wholesale prices (as long as you are logged in!)

3. Make an Offline Order

Download PDF here.

If you really don't want to deal with online ordering, we have a PDF that you can download, write in your order and fax or  email it back to us.

Our Policies

Notice for Damaged/Defective Items:
We must be notified of damaged items within 10 business days of delivery. Photos of said items should be included via email to We will be happy to provide a product exchange or invoice deduction for claims made within this time frame.
Shipping/Delivery Charge:
Orders will be shipped via UPS unless Positively Pittsburgh deems hand delivery necessary for the safety of the products. Shipping charges, or a $25 Hand Delivery fee, will appear at the bottom of the invoice when applicable.
Finance Fees:
Effective January 2022, accounts not paid within 30 days of the invoice date will be subject to a 1% monthly finance charge.
If you have any questions or problems please call us or email us at